Abstract | U ovom radu upoznali smo se sa početcima i razvitkom matematike u vrijeme antičke Grčke.
Stari Grci su utjecali na znanost, posebno matematiku, a njihov utjecaj je od velike važnosti
i danas.
Na početku rada smo prikazali grčki brojevni sustav, način na koji su Grci zapisivali brojeve,
te nedostatak takvog zapisa. Nadalje, upoznali smo najranijeg grčkog matematičara, Talesa
Milečanina. On je zapisao mnoge teoreme, rezultate svojih pročavanja i s razlogom ga
gčka tradicija naziva osnivačem matematike. Nakon Talesa, dolazimo do sljedćeg velikog
matematčara, Pitagore. Pitagora i njegovi sljedbenici ostvarili su brojne rezultate na podrčju glazbe, teorije brojeva i geometrije. Osvrnuli smo se na Pitagorin počak, Pitagorine
trojke, iracionalan broj. Zatim smo rekli nešto o Platonu i njegovim tijelima, Aristotelu,
Zenonovim paradoksima. Pred kraj rada upoznajemo najpoznatijeg gčkog matematčara,
Euklida. Euklid,često zvan ocem geometrije, ostavio je iza sebe 13 knjiga koje je obuhvatio
u jedno veliko djelo "Elementi". Elementi su i danas jedno od najprevođenijih i najvše proučavanih djela ljudske povijesti. Naveli smo neke denicije, postulate, aksiome i propozicije
zapisane u Elementima, te ukratko opisaličime se bavi svaka od 13 knjiga. Na kraju smo
rekli najbitnije o Arhimedu s kojim i zavšava antičko doba matematike. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, we presented the beginnings and the development of mathematics in ancient
Greece. Old Greeks inuenced science, especially mathematics, and their inuence is of great
importance today. At the beginning of the paper we introduced the Greek numerical system,
the way the Greeks wrote the numbers and the lack of such inscription. Furthermore, we
presented the earliest Greek mathematician, Thales of Miletus. He wrote many theories and
the results of his studies, so in Greek tradition he is called 'the founder of mathematics' with
reason. After Thales, we came to the next great mathematician, Pythagoras. Pythagoras
and his followers achieved numerous results in the eld of music, numerical theory and geometry. We also wrote about Pythagorean theorem, Pythagorean triple and an irrational
number. Then we mentioned something about Plato and his forms, Aristotle and Zeno's
paradoxes. Near the end of the paper we introduced the most famous Greek mathematician,
Euclid. Euclid, often named the father of geometry, inscribed 13 books which he included
in one great work called 'Elements'. Elements are still one of the most translated and the
most studied works of human history. We gave some denitions, postulates, axioms and
propositions written in Elements, and briey described each of the 13 books. In the end
we mentioned the most important facts about Archimedes, with whom the ancient era of
mathematics ended. |